Wednesday, December 22, 2010

5 Kettlebell Exercises For A Trim Waist And 6 Pack Abs

You’re already aware that doing endless crunches or situps will NEVER get you six-pack abs, right? Let’s understand why and how Kettlebell training can help you get a 6-pack that works.

What Kettlebell Exercises You Should Do For A Trim Waist And 6 Pack Abs

One of the many functions of your abdominals is to stabilize your spine and torso – to hold you upright, not allowing your torso to collapse.

That said, by swinging, snatching or doing any Kettlebell exercises where your center of gravity is being moved around, you are using your abs to resist rotation or any excessive lateral flexion (bending sideways). Doing this forces your abs to contract or brace and protects your very sensitive lower back area forcing your abs to not only work the way they were meant to work, but doing it at every conceivable angle.

Kettlebell training is interval training “on steroids”.

Interval training, usually done at the end of a workout, involves bouts of high intensity exercise (sprinting, bodyweight circuits, complexes, etc) followed by recovery periods.

Research has shown that training of this type creates an amazing fat burning response and will spare your hard-earned muscle.

Traditional Kettlebell training usually involves doing a series of full body exercises and movements continuously without any rest until we reach a certain time or until we finish our required number of repetitions.

These “circuits” or “drills”, as they are sometimes called, give us a more of challenge simply because we adding KB into the mix. The result is one of the gut wrenching interval sessions you’ve ever done in your life. And the beauty of it is the variety of movement that will reduce the amount of overuse that occurs with traditional sprinting on a track or bike.

Kettlebell training, although it’s history is rich in tradition, is the wave of the future. It’s the hottest 6-pack-abs generator of the moment and will definitely help you get those rock hard abs you’ve been looking for.

Forget the crunches and sit-ups watch the video for your six pack abs solutions with kettlebells.

The Kettlebell Exercises you are about to see are:

1 – Kettlebell Windmills

2 – Kettlebell Swings

3 – Around The World

4 – Renegade Rows

5 – Halo’s

To see the video and continue reading Please Go To 5 Kettlebell Revolution Exercises For 6 Pack Abs

Related Articles For Six Pack Abs:

1- Secrets For Getting Six Pack Abs

2 - For Six Pack Abs Goodbye Cardio

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Get Lean Tight Abs Without Crunches Pt 2

How To Get Lean Tight Abs Without Crunches Pt 2

Here’s part 2 of a 3 part how to get lean tight abs without crunches series. Following the same philosophy (from last week) that anti-movements patterns stimulate your abs better than flexing, twisting and crunching your abs, this particular exercise really hits your lower abs—especially that stubborn stomach pooch, right below your belly button!
Now doing this ab exercise alone won’t do the trick, but when you combine it with a clean diet (no refined carbs, no processed foods, no refined sweets) and an effective fat burning workout program, you’ll finally be saying “so long” to your lower belly pooch.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Your Diet Plan: Make Healthy Eating Choices A Priority

Your Diet Plan: Make Healthy Eating Choices A Priority

You Can’t Out Train A Lousy Diet

Today Isabel is going to get us started by showing us - How To Make A Healthy Body your Number One Priority

If you are like every other yo-yo dieter out there, chances are you have started and stopped several diet plans with no success. The first week is easy. You’re full of excitement. You tell yourself “this time will be different.” The second week is ok, a little harder than the first but you’re still sticking to it. And then what happens? You bend the rules a bit and start falling back into your old habits.

*Why does this happen?*

Why do we go through this vicious cycle? I’ll tell you why. We are focusing on the wrong goal. For whatever reason, we must not perceive our weight loss as being “important enough” to achieve. So what would be “important enough” to stick to our new healthy eating habits?

*Your HEALTH!*

Nothing in this world is more important than the state of your health. Think about it, your health affects everything else in your life. Once our health is compromised we automatically change our lifestyle habits. Just look at President Clinton. Not until he had the ultimate health scare did he really change his eating and exercise habits.

Let’s not wait until our bodies completely have a break down before we decide to take care of ourselves. If you feel lousy, everything you do that day is lousy. Likewise, if you feel great, everything you do that day is great. So this year, let’s not focus on just losing a few pounds, let’s focus on Health, the #1 thing in our lives.

Your Diet Plan: Make Healthy Eating Choices A Priority

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ultimate Fat Loss Results & 2 More Weight Loss Myths

Ultimate Fat Loss Results & 2 More Weight Loss Myths

We have our last 2 weight loss myths for you and a reminder. Just 15 hours until the fat blasting proven Female Fat Loss Over 40 program and Ultimate Fat Loss Results package by Shawna Kaminski the female fat loss expert goes up in price.

You have nothing to lose, well, perhaps some weight and that lethargic feeling, by investing in yourself today.

And to finish off the week, two more weight loss myths to break for you:

Myth #7 – Workout longer for more calorie burning.

Studies have proven time and again that it’s not workout length that’s your primary concern, its workout intensity. As well, there’s a little something called “EPOC” or post excess post exercise oxygen consumption that occurs with high intensity workouts. You can actually elevate your metabolism for up to 48 hours after your workout so that you continue to burn calories even after you stop exercising. So drop the marathon barely-break-a-sweat workouts and opt for short intense workouts for maximum fat burning.

Let me throw my 2 cents in here since Shawna mentioned about breaking a sweat just because you are sweating doesn’t mean your burning more calories either. Yes I have acyually heard that one ” I’m sweating alot so I’m burning more calories” Yeah sorry not so much. Also do you know what I believe is the number 1 part of your workouts? Shawna mentioned it above. Intensity!! Haphazard workouts bring Haphazard results (at best). If you want real, positive permanent results you need to workout with your full concentration and intensity.

Myth #8 – I turned 40 and my metabolism tanked!

Click Here Ultimate Fat Loss Results & 2 More Weight Loss Myths to finish reading

3 More Weight Loss Myths And Solutions

3 More Weight Loss Myths And Solutions

Yesterday Shawna and I gave you 3 weight loss myths. Today we are going to continue with 3 more myth’s, lies (however you want to look at it) when it comes to fat loss information. One of the reasons I wanted to start this site is all this misinformation about fitness and weight loss (particularly when it comes to women). I don’t know what it is but there is still so much nonsense (especially when it comes to workouts) with women’s fitness

Head over to Womens Fitness Lifestyle   Oh and guy's these myth's and solutions will work for you too.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fat Burning Workout Tips: A Top Ten List

Fat Burning Workout Tips: A Top Ten List

Courtesy of Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training These are ten of the coolest, most unique fat burning workout tips that can switch up your training and give variety to your fat loss programs.

Turbulence Training - Fat Burning Workout Tips


1) Change the tempo, baby

Slower lowering tempos often lead to more soreness. But it is a differnt training stimulus. I think it is worthwhile to go up to 4 seconds on the lowering phase. I don’t like to use slow lifting, but I don’t mind slow lowering. So next time you did dumbbell chest presses, take 4 seconds to lower the weight to your chest. Alternatively, when doing squats, take 4 seconds to lower yourself to the bottom position. This will make you hurt so good.

2) Opposite workout approach

If you are doing weights, try using bodyweight exercises instead, and vice-versa. So let’s say you are doing dumbbell chest presses, switch to an advanced pushup instead. Or maybe you are doing db rows, so switch to pullups, chinups, or bodyweight rows. Doing lunges? Switch to bulgarian split squats and use the 1 & 1/2 rep style.

3) Do ONE strength before…

to see the rest click Fat Burning Workout Tips: A Top Ten List

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Body Transformation Q & A

The Body Transformation Q & A

Yesterday I gave you the rundown on Tom Venuto’s new program the Holy Grail Body Transformation system. I also told you I hadn’t seen the whole system. Well Tom sent out this Q & A giving you

The Holy Grail Body Transformation System a much better idea of what his Body transformation program is all about.

Q: What is overall premise behind the Holy Grail body transformation? specifically, what makes it possible that you could actually put on lean muscle while losing fat at the same time?

A: The Holy grail is a nutrition and training system based on cyclical dieting – by planning periods of positive calorie balance and periods of negative energy balance you shift into and out of muscle building and fat burning

The net result over time is better body composition – more muscle and less fat.

The program also shifts within-day calorie balance by providing more calories at specific times around workouts and this type of nutrient timing has a very anabolic (muscle-building effect).

(also if you eat more at certain times, the food almost never gets stored as fat, so in the holy grail, “timing is everything”)

Last but not least, everything in the program is designed to optimize hormones which improve “nutrient partitioning” (which is WHERE nutrients go – into fat or into muscle) so the holy grail helps direct nutrients into muscle cells and pull fat out of fat cells.

All of this is pretty darn exciting if you ask me!


Q: Does this program work for women?


Absolutely. In fact, one of the big differences between the Holy Grail and other muscle gain programs is it avoids the classical muscle gain program problem: gaining fat along with the muscle, aka “bulking up.”

Many women DO want to gain some muscle (even if they call it muscle “tone”), but I don’t know any women who want to get bulky. The Holy grail helps you develop lean muscle not bulk

Go To The Body Transformation Q & A to read the rest.

The Body Transformation Q & A

The Body Transformation Q & A

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deadlifts: How And Why Women Should Deadlift

Deadlifts: How And Why Women Should Deadlift

How To Do Deadlifts The Right Way.

And before I get started here Yes women should do deadlifts and I am about to show you why. A properly executed deadlift works all of the major muscles in the lower body, including the lower back, legs, and butt. The deadlift is one of my favorites the main reason is the functional strength you get from doing it. What I mean is unlike any

Deadlifts: To Burn And Firm Women Should Do Deadlifts

Friday, September 17, 2010

The #1 Fat Burner

The #1 Fat Burner

I am going to bet you have heard this before. You may think you know this. But do you really know why this is the #1 Fat Burner that you should be adding to your arsenal to Burn and Firm. It’s not the latest and greatest.....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning – Review

The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning  Review

If there is anyone out there who knows how to help you through the frustrations of unsightly extra body fat, it's got to be Lauren Brooks—a real woman with a real life, just like you—who has the skills and knowledge AND personal experience to help you forever lose those final unsightly pounds!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Turbulence Training And The Belly Fat Coach

Turbulence Training And The Belly Fat Coach

How to Get Free of Belly Fat

Good Morning,

Yesterday I told you about The FREE report 15 Foods That Shred Stomach Fat if you didn’t it yet click the link now so you don’t miss out. Some of what you will see today is Craig Ballantyne and The belly fat coach Josh Bezoni cover the following surprising nutrition info:

- How big food companies are hiding obesity-causing additives in the

food supply…and this is keeping America – and the world – overweight.

- The most important of the 7 dangerous obesity additives

- Josh’s controversial thoughts on cheat meals & fat loss

- The biggest (nasty) food SURPRISES in your grocery cart

An Exclusive Interview with Craig Ballantyne and Josh Bezoni, former Transformation Contest Judge for Body-For-Life

Craig: Hey, everyone. This is Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training and I’m here with my friend Josh Bezoni who has the website We’re going to be talking about his nutrition program today.

15 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Interval Training Workouts


Here are 10 interval training workouts that are mentioned as favorites of people just like you.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fat Loss Myths: 5 Myths And 5 Fat Loss Solutions

Link Fat Loss Myths: 5 Myths And 5 Fat Loss Solutions

Dispell the all to common myths about fat loss. And let's look at 5 Solutions to permanent fat loss

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Six Pack Abs Solutions Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

How I Got "Ripped" Abs For The Very First Time
By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

I’ll never forget the very first time I got ripped, how I did it and how it felt. I’ve never told this entire story before or widely published my early photos either. Winning first place and seeing my abs the first time was sweet redemption. But before that, it was a story of desperation…

I started lifting weights for bodybuilding when I was 14 years old, but I never had ripped abs until I was 20. I endured six years of frustration and embarrassment. Being a teenager is hard enough, but imagine how I felt being a self-proclaimed bodybuilder, with no abs or muscle definition to show for it. Imagine what it was like in swimming class or when we played basketball in gym class and I prayed to be called out for “shirts” and not ‘”skins” because I didn’t want any one seeing my “man-boobs” and ab flab jiggling all over the court.

Oh, I had muscle. I started gaining muscle from the moment I picked up a barbell. I got strong too. I was benching 315 at age 18. But even after four years of successful strength training, I still hadn’t figured out this getting ripped thing. Muscle isn’t very attractive if it’s covered up with a layer of fat. That’s where the phrase “bulky” really comes from – fat on top of muscle. It can look worse than just fat.

I read every book. I read every magazine. I tried every exercise. I took every supplement in vogue back in the 80’s (remember bee pollen, octacosanol, lipotropics and dessicated liver?) I tried not eating for entire days at a time. I went on a rope skipping kick. I did hundreds of crunches and ab exercises. I rode the Lifecycle. I wore rubber waist belts.

The results were mediocre at best. When I made progress, I couldn’t maintain it. One step forward, one step back. Even when I got a little leaner, it wasn’t all the way. Still no ripped abs. When I played football and they beat the crap out of us at training camp, I lost weight, but STILL didn’t get all the way down to those elusive six pack abs. In fact, it was almost like I got “skinny fat.” My arms and legs lost some muscle but the small roll of ab fat was still there.

Why was it so hard? What was I doing wrong? It was driving me crazy!

My condition got worse in college because I mixed with a party crowd. With boozing came eating, and the “bulk” accumulated even more. At that point, the partying and social life were more important to me than my body. I was still lifting weights, but wasn’t living a fitness lifestyle.

Mid way through college I changed my major from business management to exercise science, having made up my mind to pursue a career in fitness. That’s when I started to feel something wasn’t right. The best word for it is “incongruence.” That’s when what you say you want to be and what you really are don’t match. Being a fitness professional means you have to walk the talk and be a role model to others. Anything else is hypocrisy. I knew I had to shape up or forget fitness as a career.

But after four years, I STILL didn’t know how to get ripped! Nothing I learned in exercise physiology class helped. All the theory was interesting, but when theory hit the real world, things didn’t always work out like they did on paper. My professors didn’t know either. Heck, most of them weren’t even in shape! Two of them were overweight, including my nutrition professor.

However, out of my college experience did come the seeds of the solution and my first breakthrough.
In one of my physical education classes, we were required to do some running and we were instructed to keep track of our performance and resting heart rates. Somehow, even though I was a strength athlete, I got hooked on running. After the initial discomfort of hauling around a not so cardio-fit 205 pound body, I started to get a lot of satisfaction out of watching my resting heart rate drop from the 70’s into the 50’s and seeing my running times get better and better. And then it happened: I started getting leaner than I ever had before.

The results motivated me to no end, and I kept after it even more. My runs would be 5 or 6 days a week and I’d go for between 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I had a circular route of about 6 miles and I would run it for time, almost always pushing for a personal record. When I finished, I was spent, drenched in sweat and sometimes just crashing when I got home. And I kept getting even leaner.

That’s when I started to figure it out. If you’re expecting me to say that running is the secret, no, that’s NOT it per se. I was thinking bigger picture. In fact, I noticed that my legs had lost some muscle size, so I knew that over-doing the runs would be counter productive, ultimately, and I don’t run that much anymore these days. But that’s how I did it the first time and I had never experienced fat loss like that before. The fat was falling off and I had barely changed my diet.
My “aha moment” was when I realized the pivotal piece in the puzzle was calories. It wasn’t the type of exercise, it wasn’t the specific foods and it wasn’t supplements. Today I realize that it’s the calorie deficit that matters the most, not whether you eat less or burn more per se, but in my case creating a large deficit by burning the calories was the absolute key for me.

These runs were burning an enormous number of calories. Everything I had done before wasn’t burning enough to make a noticeable difference in a short period of time. 10-15 minutes of rope skipping wasn’t enough. 45 minutes of slow-go bike riding wasn’t burning enough. Hundreds of crunches weren’t enough. I put 1+1+1 together and realized it was intensity X duration X frequency = highest the total calorie burn for the week. How much simpler could it be? It wasn’t magic. It was MATH!

It was consistency too. This was the first time in SIX YEARS I stuck with it. Body fat comes off by the grams every day – literally. Kilos and pounds of body weight may come off quickly, but they come back just as fast. Body fat comes off slowly and if you have no patience or you jump to one program to the next without following through with the one you started, you’re doomed. In six years, I had “tried everything”… except consistency and patience.

Then the stakes went up. I had finally gotten lean, but there was another level beyond lean… RIPPED! My buddies at the gym noticed me getting leaner and then they popped the question: Why don’t you compete? My training partner Steve had already competed 3 years earlier and won the Teenage Mr. America competition. Since then, I had been all talk and no walk. “Yeah, I’m going to compete one of these days too… I’m going to be the next Mr. America.” Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The only title I had won was “Mr. Procastinator.” Then finally, Steve and my other friends challenged me almost in an ultimatum type of way.

Well, the truth is, I set myself up for it with my big mouth and they called me out, so I would have been the laughing stock of our gym if I didn’t follow through.

The first time you do a real cut - all the way down to contest-ready - is the hardest. Not as much physically as psychologically, simply because you’ve never done it before. Doing something you’ve done before is no big deal. Doing something you’ve never done before causes uncertainty and fear, sometimes even terror! I was plagued with self-doubt the entire time, never sure if I was ever going to get there. It seemed like it was taking forever. But failure was not an option. Not only did I have an entire gym full of friends rooting me on, I had great training partner who was natural Mr. Teenage America! The pressure was on. I had to do it. There was no way out. No excuses.

Some other day, I’ll tell you all the details of the emotional roller coaster ride that was my first contest diet, but let it suffice to say, at that point, I still didn’t know what I was doing. It was only later that I went into “human guinea pig” mode with nutritional experiments and finally pinned down the eating side of the equation to a science (and gained 20 lbs of stage-weight muscle as a result).

In the late 1980’s, the standard bodybuilding diet was high carb, low fat. For that first competition, I was on 60% carbs – including pancakes, boxed cereal, whole grain bread, and pasta - so I guess you can toss out the idea that it’s impossible to get ripped on high carbs – although high carb is NOT the contest diet I use today. But it didn’t matter, because I had already learned the critical piece in the fat loss puzzle – the calorie balance equation. Understanding that one aspect of physiology was enough to get me ripped. It only got better later.

In the end, I took 2nd place at my very first competition, the Natural Lehigh Valley, and one month later, I won first place at the Natural New Jersey. Seven months later, the overall Natural Pennsylvania.
Looking back, was all the effort worth it? Well, my good friend Adam Waters, who is an accountability coach, teaches his students about using “redemption” as a motivator. Remember the Charles Atlas ad where the skinny kid got sand kicked in his face and then came back big and buffed and beat up the bully? That’s redemption. Or the dateless high school nerd who comes back to the 10 year class reunion driving a Mercedes with the prom queen on his arm? That’s redemption.

After all the doubt, heartache and frustration I went through for six years, I not only had my trophies, my abs were on the front page of the sports section in our small Pennsylvania town newspaper. The following year, I was on the poster for a bodybuilding competition… as the previous year’s champion. THAT’S REDEMPTION. You tell me if it was worth it.

There are 7 lessons from my story that I want to share with you because even if you have a different personal history than I do, these 7 lessons are the keys to achieving any previously elusive fitness goal for the first time and I think they apply to everyone.

1. Set the big goal and go for it. If your goal doesn’t excite you and scare you at the same time, your goal is too small. If you don’t feel fear or uncertainty, you’re inside your comfort zone. Puny goals aren’t motivating. Sometimes it takes a competition or a big challenge of some kind to get your blood boiling.

2. Align your values with your goals. I understood my values and made a decision to be congruent with who I really was and who I wanted to be. When you know your values, get your priorities straight and align your goals with your values, then doing what it takes is easy.

3. Do the math. Stop looking for magic. A lean body does not come from any particular type of exercise or foods per se, it’s the calories burned vs calories consumed that determines fat loss or fat gain. You might do better by decreasing the calories consumed, whereas I depended more on increasing the calories burned, but either way, it’s still a math equation. Deny it at your own risk.

4. Get social support. Support and encouragement from your friends can help get you through anything. Real time accountability to a training partner or trainer can make all the difference.

5. Be consistent. Nothing will ever work if you don’t work at it every day. Sporadic efforts don’t just produce sporadic results, sometimes they produce zero results.

6. Persist through difficulty and self doubt. If you think it’s going to be smooth sailing all the way with no ups and downs, you’re fooling yourself.. For every sunny day, there’s going to be a storm. If you can’t weather the storms, you’ll never reach new shores.

7. Redeem yourself. Non-achievers sit on the couch and wallow in past failures. Winners use past failures as motivational rocket fuel. It always feels good to achieve a goal, but nothing feels as good as achieving a goal with redemption.

Postscript: My journey continued. Since that initial first place trophy, I have competed as a natural for life bodybuilder 26 more times, including 7 first place awards and 7 runner up awards. And yes, I finally nailed down the nutrition side of things too. You can read more about that and the fat loss program that developed as a result at

Train hard and expect success always,

About the Author:
Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting:Fat Burning Diets And Workout Diet Reviews for my review of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Is A Good Idea!

Link Intermittent Fasting

You may not have heard of intermittent fasting, and so you may not know why it can and should be a part of your workout and fat loss plan. Intermittent fasting is the practice of abstaining from all but water for a period of usually 24 hours to help with the goals associated with fat loss and weight loss in general. The way in which it helps in this arena is by cutting out a full days caloric intake, while still being able to maintain a full workout schedule. Let's look at three main reasons I believe that intermittent fasting is a good idea for anyone serious about fat loss and muscle building!

Click the link above to read the rest of the article

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Turbulence Training 5 Kettlebell Abs Exercises

You’re already aware that doing endless crunches or situps will NEVER get you six-pack abs, right? Let’s understand why and how Kettlebell training can help you get a 6-pack that works.

One of the many functions of your abdominals is to stabilize your spine and torso - to hold you upright, not allowing your torso to collapse.

That said, by swinging, snatching or doing any Kettlebell exercises where your center of gravity is being moved around, you are using your abs to resist rotation or any excessive lateral flexion (bending sideways). Doing this forces your abs to contract or brace and protects your very sensitive lower back area forcing your abs to not only work the way they were meant to work, but doing it at every conceivable angle.

Kettlebell training is interval training "on steroids".

Interval training, usually done at the end of a workout, involves bouts of high intensity exercise (sprinting, bodyweight circuits, complexes, etc) followed by recovery periods.

Research has shown that training of this type creates an amazing fat burning response and will spare your hard-earned muscle.

Traditional Kettlebell training usually involves doing a series of full body exercises and movements continuously without any rest until we reach a certain time or until we finish our required number of repetitions. These "circuits" or "drills", as they are sometimes called, give us a more of challenge simply because we adding KB into the mix. The result is one of the gut wrenching interval sessions you’ve ever done in your life. And the beauty of it is the variety of movement that will reduce the amount of overuse that occurs with traditional sprinting on a track or bike.

Kettlebell training, although it’s history is rich in tradition, is the wave of the future. It’s the hottest 6-pack-abs generator of the moment and will definitely help you get those rock hard abs you’ve been looking for.

Forget the crunches and sit-ups watch the video for your six pack abs solutions with kettlebells.

The exercises you are about to see are:

1 - Kettlebell Windmills

2 - Kettlebell Swings

3 - Around The World

4 - Renegade Rows

5 - Halo's

The Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Program by Chris Lopez and Craig Ballantyne

“Does the Kettlebell Revolution Program Really Work?”

 If you are looking for a powerful exercise that gives results in fat burning, cardio and shaping and toning your muscles in just a short time, TheKettlebell Revolution program is the one that you need. Click Here For Kettlebell Revolution Instant Access Now!

What you get is 28 weeks of revolutionary weight loss that uses kettlebells. When you do these intense workouts you’ll be able to know how these training can improve your personality by transforming your whole body and tremendously boosting your energy. Just by doing one exercise such as, the snatch, the kettlebell swing or squat can provide you a workout that will enhance your strength and enable you to lose weight all at the same time, plus many other more benefits. The best part of the Kettlebell Revolution program is that the only required equipment is a kettlebell and if you are thinking if how much space is needed, you have nothing to worry about because it only needs a small space to do the exercise. The exercises in the program are easy to learn too.

When you buy the program you will be getting three more different products that goes along with it, such as the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution which is the workout plan, for those of you who have questions with regards to the workout plan you can find answers here in The Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Quickstart Coaching Guide, and The Kettlebell Workouts For Women Program. The best way to keep track of your progress is by keeping a journal and recording your development. It’s about time to get those fat burning, be stronger, more flexible and boost your energy and you’ll start to see results in just a week of doing the workout. Click Here For The Kettlebell Revolution Program Instant Access Now!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Your 14 Day Fat Loss Guide From Turbulence Training


Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence training has you all set up. Here is a 14 day fat loss guide to fast track your weight loss problems. Go and check it out. It is a day by day guide of what you should be doing starting today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

5 Reasons Kettlebell Training Can Get You 6-Pack Abs

5 Reasons Kettlebell Training Can Get You 6-Pack Abs This Summer

Posted by Chris Lopez, CSCS, CTT

Kettlebells have been around for over 100 years and they’re the simplest form of exercise equipment there is.

Only now are they beginning to gain popularity with the masses.

Here are 5 reasons kettlebell training can get you 6-pack-abs…

1. Unilateral Work

Most people that start out with kettlebell training really just want to see if it’s for them. Because of that, they go out and buy ONE kettlebell. Little do they know that they’re frugality is probably the best thing that they could do to get that 6-pack.

As they start to snatch, swing, row & press that single KB they’ll notice that their form has to be impeccable in order for the exercises to work.

Training with that single KB creates an imbalance in weight distribution while they are performing their exercises, meaning that the side that isn’t loaded has to work extra hard to maintain balance. That imbalance results in your abs and your low back & glutes to contract resulting in strengthening like no other.

2. Kettlebell Training Forces Your Abs to Work The Way They Were Meant To

You’re already aware that doing endless crunches or situps will NEVER get you six-pack abs, right? Let’s understand why and how Kettlebell training can help you get 6-pack abs that works.

One of the many functions of your abdominals is to stabilize your spine and torso - to hold you upright, not allowing your torso to collapse.

That said, by swinging, snatching or doing any Kettlebell exercise where your center of gravity is being moved around, you are using your abs to resist rotation or any excessive lateral flexion (bending sideways). Doing this forces your abs to contract or brace and protects your very sensitive lower back area forcing your abs to not only work the way they were meant to work, but doing it at every conceivable angle.

3. They force you to relax your hip flexors, getting rid of that paunch.

Living in a society that is constantly sitting, it’s no wonder that our posture is terrible. One of the most commonly tight areas of our body are our hip flexors (the muscles responsible for bringing our knees into our chest). The problem is with tight hip flexors (from excessive sitting) is that we force our pelvis into anterior pelvic tilt (the swaying of the back of our pelvis up giving us a big arch in our low back).

Not only is having that arch bad for our low back, but it unnaturally forces our guts out giving us the appearance of a paunch belly.

When you do the bread & butter exercise of KB training - the 2-arm KB swing, we force our hip flexors to relax by using their antagonist muscles, the glutes and hamstrings. After doing high reps of swings to finish our workout, your hip flexors will have no choice but to relax and thus eliminating that excessive protrusion peaking out of your shirt.

4. Kettlebell training keeps your low back healthy.

It’s a myth that Kettlebell training is detrimental to your back.

Learning and mastering "bracing" techniques (the same kind of bracing that you would use when you squat or deadlift), will actually allow you to strengthen your back when you dynamically use a KB.

As we stated in point #2 above, moving that KB around and shifting your center of gravity forces your abs to work in such a way that you are resisting rotation and flexion. Your abs don’t work alone in this as they have to contract in concert with your obliques and your erector muscles (the 2 columns of muscles in your low back).

Bracing properly and using a KB will make your back bullet-proof and safe guard you from any kind of "everyday" injury.

5. Kettlebell training is interval training "on steroids".

Interval training, usually done at the end of a workout, involves bouts of high intensity exercise (sprinting, bodyweight circuits, complexes, etc) followed by recovery periods.

Research has shown that training of this type creates an amazing fat burning response and will spare your hard-earned muscle.

Traditional KB training usually involves doing a series of full body exercises and movements continuously without any rest until we reach a certain time or until we finish our required number of repetitions. These "circuits" or "drills", as they are sometimes called, give us a more of challenge simply because we adding KB into the mix. The result is one of the gut wrenching interval sessions you’ve ever done in your life. And the beauty of it is the variety of movement that will reduce the amount of overuse that occurs with traditional sprinting on a track or bike.

Kettlebell training, although it’s history is rich in tradition, is the wave of the future. It’s the hottest 6-pack-abs generator of the moment and will definitely help you get those rock hard abs you’ve been looking for.

Make sure to get your 6-Pack Abs for Summer with the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution. (click the link to read my review)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Six Pack Ab Workouts That Are Not Ab Workouts

Check out this six pack ab workout. Did you check the exercises? Good are you thinking these are not ab workouts? Good then let me give you a tip you are not getting six pack abs by doing crunches and sit-ups.

I know some of these exercises might have you scratching your head but they really do work your abs in conjunction with other muscle groups. as you may notice most of these exercises are considered compound exercises(meaning they work more than one muscle group at a time).

Work the Muscles - Burn The Fat - See Your Abs

1A) Chin-ups OR Underhand Inverted Row – As Many Reps As Possible (2-0-1) – You could also use the chinup with knee up, or the V-grip Chinup

1B) Max Push-ups – As Many Reps As Possible (1-0-1) – Lately I’ve been playing around with ring pushups and those are even harder for your abs.

1C) DB Forward Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

Rest 1 minute & repeat 1 more time for a total of 2 supersets.

2A) DB Step-Up – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)

2B) Stability Ball DB Pullover – 12 reps (3-0-1)

Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) Dumbbell Renegade Row – 8 reps per side (1-0-1)

3B) Kettlebell Swings – 20 reps (1-0-1)

Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

4) Bodyweight Intervals

4A) Squat Jumps (or Bodyweight Squats for beginners)

10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

4B) Calf Jumps (or Calf Raises for beginners)

10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

4C) Stability Ball Jackknife – You could use the Power Wheel instead of the Stability Ball if you have one of these…I just ordered one the other week from Lifeline USA.

10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

4D) Turkish Getup  (click the link for a video demo of how to do the turkish get-up)– DO IT! So many folks complain about this exercise…but it should be on your list of moves to do more often.

5 reps per side followed by 10 second rest x 2 rounds.

Burn Fat With This 1 Fat Burning Exercise


Click the link above to get the article and video of the bear. Don't know what the bear is? It is the end of your I have no time to exercise excuse.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Six Pack Abs Solutions 21st Century Ab Training

This article and video takes you through the evolution of 21st century ab training.

You'll find 6 different ab exercises where the focus isn't on crunching or spinal flexion, but instead is geared towards providing a core workout that offers stabilization and resistance rotation.

Just because these ab exercises aren't your traditional crunches, doesn't mean that you won't get that great ab burning feeling following your workout.

These core exercises will still help build 6 pack abs, but in a much safer way that will reduce the incidence of low back pain.

The first ab exercise in the evolution of ab training is a simple plank.

This exercise needs to be mastered by beginners and those at risk of low back pain. The goal here is to work up to a 90 second to 2 minute hold in the plank position.

The next core exercise is the side plank or side bridge. A little more difficult than the regular plank, the trick here is to keep your body in a straight line and keep those hips raised.

Once you've mastered those ab exercises, try the plank with your elbows on the stability ball.

According to Men's Health magazine, this exercise works your abs 30% hard than a regular plank. To increase the difficulty of this ab exercise, try moving the ball further away from your body.

The fourth ab exercise to work your entire core is the stability ball jackknife.

Here, you will place your feet on the stability ball and your hands on the floor or elbows on a bench. Then you will bring your knees to your chest, while maintaining the plank position, and then return to the starting position.

Similar to the ab wheel, the next exercise in the evolution of ab training is the stability ball rollout.

Place the ball in front of you, with your hands on the ball, roll the ball out, stretching and maintaining your back in a straight line, and contract to return to the starting position.

The last ab exercise is a plank rotation.

When you take a regular plank and combine it with a side plank, the subsequent resisting rotation works to provide a total body workout.

So to perform this exercise you will start in the side plank position, and without moving your hips rotate to a regular plank, and then over to the opposite side plank position.

Continue to do this, while keeping your back straight and hips raised.

Crunches are old news. You just won't get the same total body benefits of this new type of training.

Try out these 6 ab exercises that will provide not only an exceptional core work, but a total body workout as well.

Visit Turbulence Training for my review of Turbulence Training and more TT workout videos.

And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site

For the most effective exercises to burn belly fat and get ripped abs vist:

Turbulence Training For Abs  This program usually costs $39.95, but you can start a 21-day trial for only $4.95. If you like it, you'll be billed the remaining $35.00 investment at the end of your 21-day trial period.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Burn The Fat Then Have Six Pack Abs

One of the best ways to succeed is to model successful people. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, you copy a winning formula that already exists. This can short-cut your trial and error learning curve by months or even years. The problem is, where do you find a role model? Who do you trust? Whose advice do you listen to? If the success you want is a better body, then who better than a body transformation contest winner? (like the amazing champion you’re about to meet…)

On May 24th, we are opening registration for our Burn The Fat 2010 Summer Body transformation challenge. “Contest central” will be located at the Burn The Fat Inner Circle.

With this new challenge coming up, I figured it would be a perfect time to call upon our last year’s champions to pick their brains and find out how they achieved body transformations so amazing that it won them the title of Overall Burn The Fat Champion.

Today I’d like you to meet Hannah Mauck, 2009 Burn the Fat Holiday (winter) Challenge women’s champion. Hannah slashed 12 pounds, and burned off 6% body fat in just 7 weeks.

You can’t help but be amazed at the results you see in her before and after photos. But what the pictures don’t say is that Hannah is also a mom of three, ages 5, 3 and 1. She made her contest winning transformation even while taking care of her children, over the busiest time of the year, with the most temptations (the winter challenge ran from Thanksgiving through New Year’s!)

That really puts her achievement into a whole different perspective, not to mention it kills any excuses you might have about family obligations getting in the way.

We interviewed Hannah after her win and pulled out her top body transformation tips. Whether you’re planning to enter our upcoming summer Burn the Fat Challenge or you just want some body transforming tips for your own personal use, this advice is pure gold!

TOM: how do you think you pulled off such a great fitness transformation while you were managing a family and what would be your advice for other parents who might be worried about getting their pre-baby bodies back or who are concerned about not having the time to work out or make healthy food with kids running around?

HANNAH: Thinking I didn’t have time was exactly the reason I was in the predicament I was in, health and body-wise, in the first place. But when I found your Burn the Fat book and I read through, it really clicked with me. I knew that I could do it in a manageable amount of time.

All your techniques – the tracking, the accountability methods and the planning of the meals and workouts actually led me to having a lot more time, because I was more organized and I wasn’t trying to put something together at the last minute. I knew exactly what I would be doing and when I would be doing it.

Also, losing weight and spending the time working out has given me so much more energy and brain clarity, that actually, I have more free time. I’ve been able to get more done by investing time in working out. Not having time is not an issue once you actually focus on your goals. As far as getting my pre-baby body back, my body is better than before I had babies. So that’s not an excuse either.

TOM: It seems like you were pretty meticulous about what you were eating. How closely did you track your calories or your macronutrients, the grams of the protein, carbs and fat? If I read your journal right, you used some kind of electronic device to track everything. How did that work for you?

HANNAH: I did track pretty closely. I didn’t even know what a macronutrient was, by your definition, until a couple weeks into your program. Then I realized that was important. I started putting that data in and that really helped me to see where my downfalls were. It leads to a lot of accountability when you have to enter food.

Using the iPod for tracking was really great. I got that idea off the Burn the Fat Inner Circle forums, where somebody else was using a program on their iPod. It’s really convenient, because you can have it with you all the time and you can enter your data right away and you can actually make adjustments throughout your day by what you’ve eaten or haven’t eaten. That was really helpful for me.

TOM: Obviously, you got a lot leaner, so that revealed the muscles that might have been there already, but you definitely showed more muscularity in your after picture. This is where you can really help us out. You can help the “greater cause” for us: that is, convincing women to lift weights, when they think they’re either going to get bulky or unfeminine. What do you have to say about that now?

HANNAH: It’s not an easy task for women to put on muscle and you don’t look bulky even after you do. But I would also add that we all have different body types. Some of us are going to work out and we’re going to stay looking tall and lean and slender. Others are going to work out and we’re going to be a little bit more muscular naturally.

I think everyone should just embrace their fittest body and learn to be comfortable with their body type, whether you’re a little bit more muscular, or you’re more of the ectomorph or leaner type. I think my body type is a little more mesomorph – It’s a little easier for me to gain muscle, but that in no way added any bulk. We just become a little more defined.

The muscle showed once I lost the fat. But none of my measurements were bigger than before I started the challenge. So it did not, definitely did not add any bulk.

TOM: Some people get overwhelmed with the amount of information in the Burn The Fat book, let alone the huge archives we have at the Burn the Fat Inner Circle. Even though you were a relative newcomer to our community, you went right to work and picked it up so fast. What’s your secret? How did you learn all this so quickly and put all the information into practice so fast?

HANNAH: I think the key for me was timing. I stumbled onto an ad of yours on the internet for Burn the Fat, then very shortly after that, you announced the Burn the Fat Challenge over the 2009-2010 holidays. I felt like my babies were old enough and I just needed to get busy, so I was mentally very ready for a change at that point. So I do think you have to be ready to change. .

Then, enrolling, and being involved in that challenge was really the key for the implementation. The holiday challenge was 7 weeks so I didn’t have time to just say, “Oh, I’m going to read that later” or “I’m going to do that later.” I had a goal and a deadline and a challenge so I had to focus and read it and do it now. I think it was really the challenge that helped me to implement everything so fast.

TOM: You said that you had days with low energy and days you felt really hungry. That’s going to happen to just about everybody who has their calories reduced for fat loss. So what did you do, either physically or mentally, to stay on your eating plan even when you were hungry, and stay on your training plan even when you were tired?

HANNAH: One thing is I would tell myself that I’m in charge of myself, so I can have anything I want, as long as I wait 30 minutes. A lot of times, just delaying that instant urge to put something in my mouth would be enough to either make it to the next meal or realize I didn’t want it. Another thing was that being around kids and food all day long, I had to tell myself I wasn’t the garbage disposal. That may sound funny, but when you’re picking up food all day long, it’s easy to finish off the kids’ portions of this or that. So I put a halt to that and it really helped me. Drinking a lot of hot tea was another way that satisfied both my sweet tooth and cravings for other things.

As far as being tired, sometimes it was just mental and I pushed through it. I really saw a reward and felt more energy from just getting up and doing the workout. Other times, especially as a mom, I think you have to listen to your body and sometimes you need sleep. There were nights where I was up all night with a sick kid. The next day, I just allowed myself to sleep, or have a nap. That really helped with being able to recover and stay on track, because if I got overly tired, I was not able to make good judgment decisions, as far as what I was eating. Sometimes you just need to sleep.

TOM: In one of your very first challenge journal posts, you wrote, “Blechhh. I can’t believe I posted those pictures.” I know that posting before pictures takes a lot of courage. A lot of other women – and guys – in the challenge felt the same way, because I heard it from so many of them. People asked me, “Do we really have to post pictures to be in this contest?” So I’m curious: Looking back, how do you feel about having posted your before picture, when you can now put it next to your after picture?

HANNAH: At the time, I definitely thought I was insane. That’s not the type of thing I would have ever done or considered doing at that point. The pictures were almost what made me not do the challenge. But now, I feel like that was invaluable and I totally understand that requirement today. Measurements and numbers are great, but they’re hard to believe in your head. Being able to actually see the change in your body in a picture – that’s totally invaluable. I wouldn’t be able to believe the numbers without seeing the picture. The picture also really kept my feet to the fire. There was no way to hide what you really looked like with the pictures right there.

And the difference between pictures and the mirror??? HUGE. I can’t really even explain that. Something happens when you look in the mirror that does not happen when you look at a photograph. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how our brains fool us that way. But I could look in the mirror all day long and not see what I can see from a photograph.

TOM VENUTO: For anyone who’s thinking about entering the next challenge and they’re terrified to take their picture and post it in the website, what would be your advice to them – coming from someone who felt the same way, but did it anyways?

HANNAH: I completely sympathize and I understand how hard it is. But it really is invaluable and it’s the best way to really admit where you’re currently at and to see the milestones you pass and be able to see the changes in your body. It’s definitely invaluable.

TOM: Our summer transformation contest is the big one – 98 days across the entire summer, but our winter contest only ran from Thanksgiving to the first week of January. You came down 6% body fat in those 7 weeks. To put that into perspective, for most people, it would take 12 weeks to drop 6% body fat. About a half a percent a week is typical fat loss. How did you get results that were so far above average and what is your advice for other people who want to make a “results not typical” transformation?

HANNAH: The first thing would be the goal setting techniques from your book. The goal card really helped me – just having that written down goal, instead of some vague idea that I needed to improve, kept me totally focused. Second was using feedback from measurements and actually tracking my progress numbers and being accountable to others on the forum. Third was the pre-planning of when exactly I would work out and what I would do, and menus that I would follow.

TOM : Do you think this whole Burn the Fat challenge changed your perception on how much you can transform your body in a short period of time, as in our 7 week challenge?

HANNAH: Absolutely. I had no idea it was possible. I’ve always looked at those ads, showing pictures of people changing and I thought like that was just a huge fake. I thought it really wasn’t possible and that it would take at least a year to see visible changes of long, hard, hard work, and that has always been a deterrent for me. So knowing that I can put in a concentrated effort for a certain amount of time and actually see visible results is really encouraging to me.

I feel like you could probably advertise the next challenge by saying that if you just finish the challenge and stick to your goals, you will achieve the untypical results, the above average results. Because so many of the finishers did, just by having the accountability of a challenge like this that you don’t have doing it alone. So many of them worked so hard and lost so much weight or changed their body composition so much. It was just amazing to see.

Burn The Fat Challenge if a mother of 3 can do it why not you?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Burn The Fat Weight Loss and Fitness In 98 Days Join The Contest

Join The Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Body Transformation Contest.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto is one of the most successful weight loss and fitness products around today. Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is the #1 best selling diet and fitness ebook in the history of the Internet. In fact, it's one of the best selling e-books on ANY subject in the history of the Internet -... And there's a reason why...

It's because thousands of women and men of every age are burning off BODY FAT - not muscle or water weight - and they're doing it naturally, without supplements, pills or "magic potions," simply by using the proven, scientifically-accurate and common-sense advice found inside this amazing diet and fitness guidebook.

I don't want to get in to a whole review here for Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle but if you click the link you can go to my review.

So Tom is having a Body Transformation contest. The deadline is May 30th 2010. To give you an idea what it's all about I took this from Tom's site.

Tools For Body Transformation Success:

Motivation and Rewards (MAUI! and other great prizes)

Group Support (you'll be joining thousands of "burners", all cheering you on!)

Personal and group Accountability (the program is structured, so you'll be accountable for your results - you can even join a team if you want "double accountability!")

A powerful program with a proven track record (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - official fat burning program of the Burn the Fat Challenge)

A New You In Just 98 Days!

This is one of two challenges sponsored by Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle every year. Our holiday (winter) challenge takes place over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's - Those 49 days fly by fast.

The Burn The Fat 2010 summer challenge - which is open for entry between May 24th and May 30th this year - runs twice as long - 98 days - which is why we've nicknamed it "THE BIG BURN!"

That means you have ample time and opportunity to make a HUGE, MASSIVE change in your body (a LOT can happen in 14 weeks!)

The best part is, the changes in your body will be the IDEAL kind - you'll be burning off pure body fat, not just water weight or lean body mass - and you may even find yourself gaining some lean muscle in the process.

This is like no fitness contest you've ever seen before, because:

You are competing against yourself for personal improvement, not against others.

This is NOT a "weight loss" contest. This is a body composition transformation contest.

This is a lifestyle transformation - NOT a crash diet or anything extreme.

The offer is simple: Buy a copy of the ebook, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle or purchase an Inner Circle membership and get free admission into the Summer Challenge.

So there you go a body transformation with the help of one of the most respected trainers in the fitness industry and the chance to win some great prizes.

Here is the link to the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Contest.   Good Luck!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Six Pack Abs Solutions Flatten Your Abs With Circuit Training

Circuit Training/Interval Training Workout Flatten Your Abs
Are you still stuck on the marathon aerobics workout nonsense?

Have you ever lost 10 lbs of Fat in a Month? I'm not talking weight loss I'm talking Fat Loss( there is a difference) but you knew that already.

Let me introduce you to circuit training. Read through this whole article use the sample workout at the end and you will be on your way to losing around 2 lbs of fat a week. As long as you are also eating clean but that is another article.

Many people simply don't get what circuit training is and that it can be beneficial for anyone. The reason most people don't get it is beacause some of the so called trainers out there don't teach it correctly.

If you have fallen for the marathon treadmill workouts will burn fat fast lie don't feel bad. You, me and thousands of others have also. But we are done with that now. Right?

"What is circuit training"?

The purpose of circuit training is to keep you moving by only allowing you to take minimal breaks between exercises. If you absolutely must rest( this will be based on your conditioning level), you can take 30 seconds to walk around and then start again. Whatever you do, don't stop moving.

Circuit training is completely different than traditional weight-training programs, but can provide a much greater boost to your metabolism than plain cardio. Circuit training, works because it causes you to keep pushing your body aerobically, while still challenging you anaerobically.

The Misconception About Circuit Training

If you're like many men, you probably think that circuit training is something a woman does with really light weights. This is probably because you associate no rest periods with light weights, and if you are trying to increase your strength, you likely think you need to be lifting as much weight as possible.

However, muscle responds to the total tension produced. If you use lighter weights, but are able to get in more sets during a certain period of time, you will produce the same -- if not more -- total tension and will stimulate your muscles to grow.

Try the follow program; you'll see, it will give you a run for your money.

Circuit Training benefits

First, it allows you to work your aerobic system while simultaneously working on your strength. Since you are constantly progressing through the workout, you will keep your heart rate up, getting much more out of it than guy who mindlessly logs all those miles on the treadmill.

Second, due to fewer rest periods, you will increase the amount of testosterone you release, which serves to help your muscles grow. While it is true that if you were to perform long aerobic sessions, your testosterone level would drop and you would start to release cortisol (which causes the body to break down muscle tissue), this workout won't take that long to complete. Therefore, you won't reach the time required to start this cortisol-releasing process.

Finally, since you will move through this workout quickly, you won't have to spend long hours in the gym, and you will be able to spend your time doing the things that you never seemed to have time for when you were making the gym your second home.

Try out this sample workout and decide if you still think circuit training is for girly men

The Sample Circuit Training Workout

This circuit training workout consists of 5 different exercises to be performed a total of six times. Perform 10 reps of each exercise before moving on to the next one. Once you have completed all six exercises, start the sequence over again.

Over time, you can gradually increase your number of reps to 20 per exercise; however, this is intense, so start slowly.

1) Mountain Climbers. While in the push-up position bring your left knee up to your chest, now do the same with the right leg. You may need to practice these a little to get a rythem and feel for mountain climbers. A great bodyweight exercise.

2) Pushups. Remember to keep your hands approximately at chest level in order to target the proper muscles. You may not know this (most people don't) but to really do push-ups correctly and get the most out of them keep your elbows close to your body.

3) Squats. You don't need to use weights ( but use them if you have them); If not do prisoner squats clasp your hans behind your head and squat down below parallel.

4) Barbell, Dumbbell or Kettlebell Cleans A fantastic total body workout in one exercise. One of my personal favorites.

5) Burpees. Start in a standing position, squat down and place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs out behind you, hold for a second, then bring your legs back to your hands. Next, explode off the floor, straightening up at the waist and jumping as high as you can. Land and bring your hands to the floor once again; this is one rep.

After completing all 5 exercises rest per your conditioning level( absolute begginner 90-120 seconds you will have to judge this for yourself). Work to decrease your rest times.

A Final Thought
Since this workout does not target all of the muscles in your body, it is still best to include a normal strength-training routine in your program. This will keep your body balanced and ensure you are still strengthening all the muscle groups.

Circuit is a great thing to include in your workout when you are feeling like you are reaching a plateau or you're just ready to try something new to kick-start your metabolism and kick your workout up a notch.

Since it is quite intense, only perform it twice a week and be sure to take at least one day off in between. To progress and keep stimulating your body, try incorporating different versions of each exercise, such as one-hand pushups or clap pushups, and turned-out squats or squat jumps.

Hopefully, by set five of this program, you will have a newfound respect for circuit training.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Six Pack Abs Solutions The Ultimate Secret To Rock Hard Abs

With this article, I want to show you why you might be struggling to lose that stubborn stomach fat that is covering up your abs. These are the main reasons most people just can not seem to get those six pack abs that everyone desires. If you haven't already seen me around online somewhere, I'm the creator of one of the most popular abdominals and fat loss programs on the internet.

So in this article I want to highlight for you the main points and strategies that I use to make this program one of the most effective programs in existance for fully developing your abdominals as well as getting rid of that stubborn stomach fat that is covering them up.

Pay attention, because once you get this stuff right and start using these techniques regularly, you'll be showing off your ripped abs in no time flat, whether it's at the beach, at the pool, in the bedroom, wherever... Just think how great it's going to feel when people are complimenting you on your washboard stomach!

Alright, here's what make's The Truth about Six Pack Abs different:

1. The main focus of this program is NOT abs exercises... And, better yet, this program consistently get's better results by NOT focusing on abs exercises!

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but the fact of the matter is that abs exercises are ok, and you do need to do a certain amount of them to develop the abdominals as best as possible. But to be honest, most people that are trying to get better looking abdominals waste WAY too much time training the abs directly. What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up.

Let's get this straight right now... Abs exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program.

Now don't get me wrong. It wouldn't be an abs program if I didn't show you the most effective exercises for developing your abdominals. I also give you detailed instructions and photos on how to do them right. But like I said, the main focus of this program is the secret method that I use to compile the full body training routines and maximize your fat burning effect.

This is the main reason that this program will be much more effective for you than any other abs programs you've ever tried before. You've got my word on that.

2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous cardio routines.

In fact, you don't have to do any typical cardio if you don't want to! I actually recommend against it.

Seriously, almost every program out there tells you that you must do endless cardio exercise regularly to lose the body fat that is covering your abs. Most of them tell you to do 30-60 minutes of cardio exercise 3-4 days/week in addition to your strength training routines.

The truth is that this is not only unnecessary, but it can actually be counterproductive if you're really trying to get as lean as possible, as quick as possible. I go into this in much more detail in the book, but basically this all comes back to the aspects of your metabolic rate, how much lean muscle you have, the hormonal response in your body from the exercise, and the residual calorie burn in the hours and days following your workouts. And normal boring cardio routines are all wrong when it comes to maximizing these effects!

Now you're probably thinking that since I'm against typical boring cardio routines, then that must simply mean I'm a proponent of interval training. Yes, as a matter of fact, I believe interval training is MUCH better than typical cardio.

However, I also use a special exercise combination and sequencing in my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program that gets even more powerful fat loss and muscle defining results than interval training. And that's saying something, because interval training kicks butt! You'll find out how this system works inside the program.

Want proof that you don't need typical long-duration steady-pace cardio?

Well, first of all, I actually took a course recently that was devoted to scientific research into why steady-pace cardio exercise is actually not that effective at strengthening the heart. The focus of the research basically boiled down to the fact that the heart needs to be trained in a wide variety of ranges to actually be truly strengthened and ready for all the various stresses that life throws at it. Not only that, but steady-pace cardio was also proven in the research studies to be far less effective in the long term at reducing body fat stores.

To give you a real life example... Personally, I haven't done what most people would label "cardio" in probably well over 5 years, and I'm actually leaner now and have a lower bodyfat % now than years ago when I did cardio regularly. Not only that, but my heart is in the best condition ever, as I now consistently have the resting heart rate of an elite athlete at about 50 bpm (remember that lower is better). My resting heart rate used to be in the mid to upper 60's years ago when I used to do typical cardio and strength training routines like most people do.

This improvement in both body fat % and reduced resting heart rate is the direct result of the unique training methods I used in developing the programs in The Truth about Six Pack Abs.

3. This program does NOT revolve around having to use supplements or "fat-loss" pills.

Trust me when I say that for the most part, about 95% of supplements are a complete waste of your hard earned money. I've been approached by supplement companies in the past looking for me to promote their products for them, and offering me a lot of money to do so. Well, you know what I do? I tell them to shove it! Seriously, I won't promote something to my readers that I don't honestly believe in.

The fact is, I've learned over the years through my own experience, as well as hundreds of my clients and friends experiences with supplements, that they are really just selling you the dream that their pill or powder will be some "magical" solution to your struggle with getting that lean ripped body that you've been wanting for years. In reality, most supplements do nothing at all to help you improve your body.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not totally bashing supplement companies, but like I said, about 95% of the products they promote are worthless, and won't create any noticeable changes in your body. I will admit that there can be a place for meal replacements for people that can't find the time to prepare or pack all of their real food meals. I also admit that I do think a high quality, fast digesting protein like whey protein can be useful to mix into your post-workout smoothies.

But the fact is that real food is always better for you than processed supplements (as long as you pick the right "real foods"). Anybody that tells you otherwise has either been brainwashed by all of the propaganda and super-hyped up ads that the supplement companies have spread throughout every magazine on the planet, or they have financial ties to selling supplements in some way themselves.

I have dedicated myself to not being lured into the lucrative world of selling supplements. Even though I could make a lot more money selling supplements than by selling my abs program, it's just plain against my morals to rip people off like that.

Frankly, it amazes me that most people are more willing to spend $30, $40, even $50 or more on a bottle of pills or powder than to spend $30 on a comprehensive training and nutrition guide like this Truth about Six Pack Abs program, which will set them up for life on training programs and dietary secrets that will keep them lean and ripped for life. The only thing that bottle of pills or powder is going to do is give you expensive urine! You make the choice.

4. This program does not revolve around using any fancy "ab machines" or "ab gadgets".

In case you were suckered into buying any of these worthless ab belts, loungers, rockers, or any other worthless ab gadget or machine, I have bad news... You were ripped off!

The truth is that most of these machines and gadgets are not the best way to develop the abdominal muscles. Sure, some of them may help a tiny bit with strengthening the abdominals, but they are far less effective than some of the best floor, hanging, and standing abs exercises.

Also, more importantly, virtually all of these abs machines, belts, and gadgets do absolutely nothing to burn fat off of the abdominal area!

Again, losing the fat that's covering up your abs can only be accomplished with a smart nutritional program, and a well designed progressional training program that increases your metabolism and stimulates your fat-burning hormones in your body. Achieving this is simple once you understand the secrets I reveal in the Truth about Six Pack Abs program.

5. This program does not include some sort of fad diet or gimmicky diet trend.

None of that here. I promise you won't be given any more crap about needing to eat "low-carb" or "low-fat", or low or high anything, for that matter. The nutritional secrets I reveal in this program go against all of the authors and companies out there that are trying to lure you in with another one of their gimmicks.

The fact is that they need to come up with some sort of different "angle", so that their diet program appears unique and gives the media something to talk about. That's why there's always some gimmick, like low-fat, or low-carb, or high protein, or the "colors diet", the "low glycemic index diet", the fasting diet, the cabbage diet, and so on.

Instead, I wanted to give you the truth about what it really takes to eat a nutritious diet that not only will have you burning off that stubborn belly fat, but will also have you feeling full of energy every single day. If you don't already feel energetic and alive every single day, then you are missing out, because it is an awesome feeling!

The great thing is that once you start eating balanced and healthy all the time, you virtually eliminate cravings altogether. Personally, I used to crave sweets constantly before I adopted the nutritious diet that I currently eat. Now, I can honestly say I can't remember the last craving I had. It had to be more than 5 years ago... no joke!

Not only that, but I actually enjoy everything I eat way more than I used to years ago when I ate a lot of junk. Does that mean that I never eat burgers, or pizza, or beer? Of course not... We all have a social life. In fact, there are actually very healthy ways and variations to preparing healthier burgers and healthier pizza that I occasionally use.

I hope this article has given you some insight as to where you may be going wrong with your exercise and nutrition plans in striving for those elusive abs. See below for more info on losing stubborn stomach fat and developing ripped six pack abs.

Check out the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program