Monday, August 17, 2009
Proven Six Pack Abs Solutions: Q & A How To Get That Six Pack Abs Look
A Q & A with Mike Geary on How To Get That Six Pack Abs Look
Strategies You MUST Know if You Ever Want to Stand a Chance of Getting a Flat Stomach with 6-Pack Abs
by Mike Geary, author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs, interviewed by Craig Ballantyne - CSCS, Men's Health Magazine Training Advisor
Below is an interview that Mike did with world-famous trainer and Men's Health Magazine Training Advisor, Craig Ballantyne as he grilled him on the top secrets for fat loss and six pack abs. Check it out...
CB: Mike, give us a brief background about yourself
MG: Sure Craig. Well, I'm currently a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Certified Personal Trainer. I've been dedicated to improving my knowledge of fitness, both training techniques and nutrition aspects, for over 15 years now, and I never stop trying to learn more each and every day. I've also been a contributing writer for Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine, and I'm the author of the popular internationally-selling book, "The Truth about Six Pack Abs" which has had hundreds of thousands of readers in over 150 countries currently.
I just love helping people with this area of their lives, as not only does it improve their outward appearance and confidence, but more importantly, improves how they feel and their internal health, helping them to live longer and healthier lives. It's something I'm very passionate about.
CB: Okay, so where does the average man or woman go wrong when it comes to training abs?
MG: Ok, most people are probably going to be surprised with this answer. In their quest for 'six pack abs', the biggest mistake I see people making is wasting WAY too much of their time training their abs directly... pumping away with all kinds of different abs-specific exercises.
I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. The person is trying so hard to get those abs to show, that they're spending almost all of their time in the gym with hundreds of reps of various crunches, leg raises, twisting exercises, etc. Meanwhile, all of that wasted time directly training the abs could have been better spent on a properly designed full body workout program that would elicit a much better metabolic response and increase the fat-burning hormone levels in their body as well.
After all, losing the stomach fat that is covering the abs is the MOST important aspect for most people to finally be able to make their abs visible. Unfortunately, pumping away with hundreds of crunches and leg raises does NOT cause much of a metabolic or fat burning hormonal response. This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs book... full body training programs and proper nutrition to strip off that stubborn belly fat and reveal the six pack that's hiding underneath!
Of course it wouldn't be an abs book if I didn't focus on ab development too, but I make sure firstly that the most important concepts for lasting body fat reduction are understood.
CB: Do you see any gender differences in mistakes they make? And more importantly, do you see any gender differences in the response to various types of ab training?
MG: To be honest, I don't really see any need for men or women to train differently. Bottom line... the best exercises are the best exercises regardless of gender.
However, in regards to mistakes I see between genders... Yes, I tend to see women more often are deathly afraid to use weight training with anything but really light weights. That is a shame, because THE most effective way to gain control over your body fat for life, is to maximize your lean muscle that your body carries, as well as working that muscle hard through intense resistance exercise regularly.
It's important for women to realize that regular strength training using heavier resistance will NOT "bulk them up" (as long as caloric intake is controlled), but rather is one of the key secrets for losing body fat and staying lean year-round. As a matter of fact, some of the leanest females that I've trained over the years are the ones that aren't afraid to work hard with the weights.
I also notice that most women (and a lot of guys too) spend way too much time with slow cardio exercise. This is simply not necessary, and the way I combine high intensity resistance training into full body routines provides enough of a "cardio" workout in itself usually. We'll get back to this in a minute though.
CB: What about ol' school sit-ups? Do you use these? Are they good, bad, or does it "depend"?
MG: Sit-ups are a controversial topic. I don't think they're good or bad per se, but rather "in between". I didn't include them in my program. I simply don't feel they are necessary, and I think there are much more effective abs exercises to focus on. Personally, I almost never do sit-ups except occasionally for a little variety every now and then.
CB: Give us a weekly sample ab training program. How many days per week? What are a couple of the best exercises you'd pick? How many sets? Reps? Rest?
MG: Well, first I'd like to point out that the full body movements that make up the majority of my programs indirectly work the abs and the entire "core" area to a fairly decent extent. However, I do include abs-specific exercises into the routines generally about twice per week. The "abs-specific" portion of the workouts generally only take about 5 minutes at most with very little rest between exercises.
Once people are past the beginning phase of gaining some initial ab strength, I try to get them away from the exercises that are too easy, where someone can do 50 or 100 reps, as is frequently common with standard crunches. Instead, I like to focus on higher resistance exercises that actually stimulate the muscle fibers to a much greater degree. One example of a higher resistance abs exercise is hanging leg raises with a proper "pelvic curl up".
It's funny but usually someone that has been wasting so much time with hundreds of reps of crunches can usually only do a few solid reps when they first attempt some of these higher resistance exercises. We also make sure not to neglect some rotational movements, as well as some work for the deeper muscles like the transversus abdominis.
CB: What do you use for burning fat, intervals or slow cardio? Or both? Any gender differences here? Or differences between fitness levels (beginner vs. advanced)?
MG: In most cases, my answer is definitely intervals... or as I like to call it "variable intensity training". In general, I think slow steady pace cardio is a waste of time, especially if the goal is lasting fat loss.
I think people need to get away from this thinking about "fat burning zones" and calories burned during the actual workout, and look at the bigger picture of what you're doing in your workout to stimulate the greatest metabolic response in your body... and the best metabolic and hormonal response is achieved through variable intensity training and strength training, not slow steady-pace cardio.
Now I will say that if someone is really deconditioned and can't handle higher intensity exercise routines just yet, this still doesn't mean that they can't simply use lower intensity routines, but still use it in a "variable intensity" fashion, by alternating between higher and lower exertion levels throughout the workout.
CB: And finally Mike, 1 or 2 of your top secret nutrition tips for carving out those abs. Open your vault of info!
MG: Well Craig, I think you'd agree that there has never been a more confusing time regarding proper nutrition for consumers. Every so called "expert" out there seems to disagree and contradict each other on what's the best way to eat for fat loss and overall good health.
One of the most important messages I try to teach my readers in this world of heavy confusion is that your diet doesn't need to conform to any of the fad diets... you don't need to go "low carb" or "low fat", or high or low anything for that matter to be successful in losing enough body fat to get lean enough to be able to see your abs. I like to try to simplify things for my readers. I think that balance is the key to success along with eating a diet that is made up of nutrient dense foods in their natural state (as unprocessed as possible).
In general, it is the heavy processing of foods that makes it wreak havoc inside our bodies. Most foods in their natural unprocessed state are inherently good for us. Of course there are always exceptions... a salad of poison ivy leaves is "natural and unprocessed" but certainly would not be good for us!
I'll leave your readers with a couple of the most important aspects of nutrition that help to get you lean for life...
1. Get enough quality protein in the daily diet - not only does it have a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat (so you burn more calories digesting it), but it also creates satiety so your hunger is satisfied longer. Plus it's a building block for maintaining and building lean muscle... And remember that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism.
2. Think fiber! When it comes to carbs, make sure that almost all of your carbohydrate intake is from higher fiber sources like vegetables, fruits, and high fiber unrefined grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains as that is one of the main reasons so many people struggle with body fat. I personally don't eat many grains as I prefer to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits, but I do use sprouted grain breads fairly regularly too.
I generally recommend looking for carbohydrate sources that have at least 2-3 grams of fiber per each 10 grams of total carbs. Remember that fiber helps fill you up and also slows down the glycemic response of the foods you eat, all beneficial for getting lean.
3. Don't be afraid to eat fat! Many people try to go way too low on their fat intake and this can negatively affect hormone levels in your body as well as causing more cravings. Try to eat enough healthy fats daily.
Good sources are all nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. On that note, saturated fats from tropical oils are VERY misunderstood, even by many nutritionists and other health professionals. Yes they are composed highly of saturated fats, but are actually beneficial (but that's way beyond the scope of this article).
4. Avoid the two worst things in our food supply at ALL COSTS:
•artificial trans fats from margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods and deep fried foods
•high fructose corn syrup, which is in almost all sweetened products on the market
Again, if you avoid processed foods, it becomes easy to avoid these two worst offenders in our food supply.
I always contend that once you get a handle on these 4 main points of your diet detailed above, the rest starts to take care of itself as you gain control over your appetite, blood sugar levels, hormone levels, etc. It all falls into place, and you eventually gain total control over how lean you want to get.
Get more at How To Get That Six Pack Abs Look
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Proven Permanent Results
So exactly how long has it been since you have seen your Abs?
Yikes!! Really that long? Oop's sorry.
Yikes!! Really that long? Oop's sorry.
Six Pack Abs If You Are Not Using Total Body Workouts Your Wasting Your Time
Six Pack Abs most people want them and many ads and websites make incredible claims on how to get them. Total body workouts are the fastest path(along with a healthy eating plan) to lose that unhealthy excess body fat once and for all.
This lens is all about The Truth About Six Pack Abs program developed by Mike Geary. The program that dares to be different and gets great results in total body conditioning and weight loss which in turn is what gets you those six pack Abs.
Never fear gang help is here. If you want to learn the truth about how to get 6 pack abs read on.
Mike teaches total body workouts. If you know anything about training you know that you can't spot reduce your waistline or any other body part. Only by using total body workouts will you lose that unwanted body fat and have six pack abs to show, that butt will be firmer and you will be toned, fit and healthy.
No fancy diets but learn to eat clean for faster and permanent weight loss.
As you read on, I'll tell you more about how you can have Six Pack Abs and how by doing total body workouts you will start to see almost immediate results.
Get 6 Pack Abs And Lose Body Fat With Total Body Workouts
The Ultimate Secret of How to Achieve the Body You Want By Mike Geary
I ask you to have an open mind and accept some ideas I'm going to throw at you today. If you can take full grasp of these ideas, take my word that this will be the most powerful secret you've ever discovered for attaining your weight loss goals, lose that unwanted body fat, finally see those six pack abs and get the exact body that you desire.
I'm basically going to take the concepts from the hit movie "The Secret" and show you how to apply it towards your fitness, weight loss and exercise goals.
Keep in mind that this "ultimate secret" has nothing to do with our normal discussions of reps and sets. It has nothing to do with calories or fat or protein. It has nothing to do with cardio training or abs exercises. But once you discover the "Secret", you will be on your way to the body of your dreams, or any other goals that you have in your life, for that matter
Six Pack Abs Tips And Tricks - How To See Your Abs And Lose Body Fat
Here's the deal:
The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL techniques that are going to get you lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these "quick-fix" scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the internet these days.
Several of the mistakes that Mike see's every day where people are going wrong in their fat loss attempts are:
1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective abs exercises like crunches, situps, and other "abs pumping" exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat and trying to get that six pack abs look.
Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective non traditional abs exercises, exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more. These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for weight loss, getting rid of that unwanted body fat, having six pack abs and getting a lean, chiseled body.
Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective exercises for stomach fat loss are NOT "abs-specific" exercises but total body workouts. Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and weight loss results possible, changing the shape of not only your abs but your entire body.
2. Most people are wasting way too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio and ab exercises.
Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he's taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise. After all of this research, he has come to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercises. In fact, most people may actually be inadvertantly decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!
The strategies that Mike reveals in his program go beyond "interval cardio" too.
3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets.
Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life! Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It's actually easier and more enjoyable than you believe!
It's Not Too late $4.95 Gets You Full Access To The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Click here to download your $4.95 Full-Access Belly Fat Banishing Trial Offer
Now's your chance to change! stop making the same food mistakes and exercise mistakes for years to come... You'll only continue to struggle with stubborn belly fat for life. get the lean sexy body you've always wanted, with nothing to risk but a simple $4.95 entry fee.
The 3 Best Abdominal Exercises that Are Not Traditional Ab Exercises
by Mike Geary
Instead of the typical ab exercise routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs.
I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite ab workouts that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri set formula ( similar to a superset but alternating between 3 exercises).
1A. Renegade Dumbell Rows
1B. Front Squats using a Barbell
1C. Mountain Climbers
A good set and rep sheme would be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise or more sets for less reps such as 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise. Mountain Climbers ca be done for a time interval ( such as 30 seconds) instead of reps.
Renegade dumbell rows are done starting in the pushup position with your hands on 2 dumbells. You then row one dumbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbell back to the ground while stabilizing with the other arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area.
Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body at shoulder level. If you are not used to them front squats take alittle practice to get your form down. Although mostly a leg exercise your abs are the stabilizing muscles and get an incredible workout.
Mountain Climbers are done by starting in the pushup position then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in and out under the chest and then back out to the starting position. Mountain climbers are a total body workout all on their own.
After each exercise rest for about 30 seconds before starting next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after each tri-set.
No direct ab exercises but one of the best ab workouts you will ever have. Try it and you'll see what I mean!
If you are tired of failing to get that six pack abs look consider losing the traditional ab exercises and bogus ab gadgets and machines and find out the real fat loss for abs truth.
How To Get That Six Pack Abs Look
*Total Body Workouts For Six Pack Abs And A Killer Weight Loss Workout*
This workout comes courtesy of Mike Geary of The Truth About Six Pack Abs (sadist) I say that kiddingly Mike is one smart dude and really knows his stuff.
Mike is the guy I learned about total body workouts from. He teaches total body training for a total body weight loss transformation. Check this workout out.
This Was One Killer Workout! The story is being told by Mike.
The other day I was in the mood to mix things up a little with my workouts and it was a nice sunny day, so I decided to skip the gym and take my workout outside for the day.
So I packed up my two 53-lb kettlebells and headed to a local park that also has a nice hill that a lot of local people go to for running hill sprints.
I've gotta tell you, the workout I came up with was pretty simple, but thoroughly kicked my a**! If you're interested in a high intensity workout that'll strip off body fat fast, keep in mind the format of this workout and use the same or similar exercise s based on what you have available.
Note: I used kettlebells, but you can also use dumbbells if you don't have kb's.
Here's what I did:
The workout was done in circuit fashion where I moved to the next exercise with little to no rest.
1a. kettlebell double clean & presses (both arms simultaneously)
1b. kettlebell 2-arm bent over rows
1c. kettlebell 2-arm swings
1d. hill sprint up/down twice
8 reps of each exercise; repeated circuit 10X
I did 8 reps of each exercise and moved almost immediately to the next exercise in each circuit. After each circuit, I rested about 2 minutes until I caught my breath and felt ready for the next round.
I kept repeating this circuit until I did 10 sets total of each exercise. All said and done, I think the workout took me about 45 minutes... and holy crap was I drenched in sweat and whooped!
Warning: unless you're in top shape, do NOT attempt 10 sets of this type of workout... it is VERY tough and that's a high volume of work unless you're already accustomed to higher intensity workouts. Just attempting 3 or 4 sets the first time you try this will usually whip most trainees.
What The Truth About Six Pack Abs Does Not Include
1. The main focus of this program is NOT on abdominal exercises... And, better yet, this program consistently get's BETTER results by NOT focusing on ab exercises!
2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous marathon cardio routines.
3. This program does NOT revolve around having to use supplements or "fat-loss" pills.
4. The truth about six pack abs program does not revolve around using any fancy "abdominizer machines" or "ab gadgets".
5. This program does not include some sort of fad diet or gimmicky diet trend.
Read This Testimonial From One Of Mike's Clients
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
"Hi Mike. I have just recently started your program and i LOVE it so much. I just wanted to tell you how fantastic I think your approach and lay out to losing stomach fat is. I'm already feeling the effects of your workouts. My body feels firmer and fitter and I look forward to the sweat.
Truth be told I was BORED TO TEARS with our usual routine at the gym. Not to mention it wasn't really getting my stomach flat!! I love your approach cause it explains everything, and I am a person that needs to know the reasons for why I am doing what I am doing! I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do.
Following your program I am certainly getting the heart pumping and the sweat is flowing like I've never felt before. It feels great. Thanks, and I will keep you posted!"
-Michelle Smith, Ontario, Canada
Another Testimonial on Using The Truth About Six Pack Ab's
Hi Mike
I was searching for a program to genuinely help me lose unwanted body fat and get six pack abs. I came across your website and the money back guarantee you offered suggested to me that you believed in what you were offering & not just interested in selling your e-book. Anyway, I made the purchase on the basis that I'd give it a try and if it wasn't any good I'd ask for my money back.
Before I started with the program I weighed 80kg and my waist size was 42 inches. After 11 weeks I still weigh about 80kg but my waist size is now 35 inches. A loss of 7 inches in 11 weeks! Since my weight stayed about the same, that means I gained muscle while losing 7 inches of unwanted body fat fat from my waist!
My strength and energy are also improving each week and I'm lifting heavier weights as I progress. Family and friends that haven't seen me in weeks can't believe how much leaner and slimmer I look now.
I'm really glad that I bought your e-book and stuck to the programs. I still have a little more body fat to lose, but I can already tell that visible six pack abs are just a few more weeks away!
Thank you for all the advice and words of motivation. The Truth About Six Pack Abs Delivers just what was promised. This entire experience is far more than what I was expecting for my money!
Regards, Imtiaz Girach, UK
Our Weight Loss and Exercise Q & A with Mike Geary The Truth About Abs
CB: Okay Mike, so where does the average man or woman go wrong when it comes to doing ab exercises?
MG: Most people are probably going to be surprised with this answer. In their quest for 'six pack abs', the biggest mistake I see people making is wasting WAY too much of their time training their abs directly... pumping away with all kinds of different ab exercises.
I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. The person is trying so hard to get those abs to show, that they're spending almost all of their time in the gym with hundreds of reps of various crunches, leg raises, twisting exercises, etc. Meanwhile, all of that wasted time directly training the abs could have been better spent on a properly designed full body workout program that would elicit a much better metabolic response and increase the fat-burning hormone levels in their body as well.
After all, losing the stomach fat that is covering the abs is the MOST important aspect for most people to finally be able to make their abs visible. Unfortunately, pumping away with hundreds of crunches and leg raises does NOT cause much of a metabolic or fat burning hormonal response.
This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs book... total body workouts programs and proper nutrition to strip off that stubborn belly fat and reveal the six pack abs that are hiding underneath!
Of course it wouldn't be an abs book if I didn't focus on ab workouts too, but I make sure firstly that the most important concepts for losing unwanted bodyfat are understood.
The Shocking Truth about Dietary & Saturated Fats
Dietary & Saturated Fats
To start, eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to your overall health. Fats are one of the main components in all of the cell membranes throughout your entire body.
Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training
Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this:
"What exercise can I do to isolate my _______ (insert your muscle of choice - abs, quads, biceps, triceps, etc)?"
It doesn't matter which muscle someone is asking about, they always seem to be asking how to 'isolate' it. My first response to this question is always - "Why in the world would you want to isolate it?"
The first thing I try to teach my clients is that the body does not work well in muscle isolation. Rather, it works better in movements along a kinetic chain; that is, large portions of the body assist other portions of the body in completing a complex movement. In fact, there really is no such thing as true muscle isolation. There is almost always a nearby muscle group that will assist in some way with whatever movement you are doing. However, this article compares attempting to 'isolate' body parts via single-joint exercises to the much more effective strategy of performing multi-joint complex movements.
When you attempt to 'isolate' muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.
Now if you really want to end up hobbling around in a body bandaged up with joint problems, tendonitis, and excess body fat, then by all means, continue trying to 'isolate' body parts. On the other hand, if you would rather have a lean, muscular, injury-free, functional body that works as a complete powerful unit to perform complex movements (in athletics or even everyday tasks), then you need to shift your focus away from muscle isolation.
Believe me, focusing on how well your body functions will give you the side effect of a body that looks even better than it would have if you focused on muscle isolation. For example, take a look at the physiques of any NFL running backs, wide receivers, or even world class sprinters. Trust me when I say that these guys pretty much NEVER train for muscle isolation (their strength coaches wouldn't be crazy enough to let them), yet they are absolutely ripped to shreds! Just look at guys like Maurice Green or Terrell Owens and tell me who wouldn't want a physique like those guys.
Another benefit to moving away from the 'muscle isolation' mindset to a more 'complex movement' mindset using a total body workout is that you will find it much easier to lose body fat. The reason is that by focusing more on multi-joint complex movements as opposed to single-joint muscle isolation, you not only burn a lot more calories during each workout, but you also increase your metabolic rate, and stimulate production of more fat burning and muscle building hormones like growth hormone and testosterone.
Let's look at an example. The machine leg extension is a single joint exercise that works mainly the quadriceps, can potentially cause knee joint instability in the long run, and doesn't even burn that many calories. On the other hand, exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and deadlifts are all multi-joint complex movements that work hundreds of muscles in the body (including the quadriceps) as a functional unit, create more stable and strong joints in the long run (when done properly), and also burn massive quantities of calories compared to the single-joint exercises.
If you're interested in discovering more ways to create a body that looks as good as it functions, pick up a copy of my innovative book The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Text module Give your module a title. Titles can only be one line, so keep it short. Give your module a subtitle. Enter your text below. The limit is 10,000 characters. Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Six Pack Abs For 2009 Start Now It's Never Too Late
Is this program more for muscle building or losing body fat?
The answer is that the concepts taught within the program can be applied to either fat loss or muscle building with some slight modifications and tweaks. However, I developed most of the details within this program to address the MAIN PROBLEM that 99% of people are facing as to why they cannot see their abdominals, and that is... losing the stubborn stomach fat that is covering up the abs.
What types of training ideas will I learn in this program? Is it only about ab exercises or total body workouts as well?
As I mention in my letter on the home page, I do provide full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective abdominal exercises in existance (as well as which ones to avoid), but one of the main points I try to drive home within the program is that the abs-specific exercises are actually the LEAST important part of the program to actually get rid of the belly fat that is covering up your abs.
The majority of the program focuses on total body workouts as well as strategic exercise combinations and sequencing that increases the metabolic rate and stimulates a fat-burning hormonal response in your body. I also detail a full-blown section on nutritional strategies and a fully comprehensive dietary plan that will actually have you enjoying food again and getting and staying lean for life.
Now these are the 2 most important aspects of the program that make it one of the most successful abdominal fat loss programs on the internet today with customers in over 100 countries around the world.
Is this program designed for men or women?
Who says that men and women need to train or eat differently to get lean? The truth is that they DON'T. The bottom line is that the best exercises for increasing the metabolism and stimulating the fat-burning hormones are the best exercises regardless of gender. The only thing that is going to change is that in general, the females will require fewer calories, and usually use lighter weights than the men, but the fact remains that the best training and nutrition strategies apply equally to both genders.
To be honest (and I explain this in more detail within the program), one of the main reasons that so many women struggle to make progress is that they aren't training the right way to increase their metabolic rate and trigger the proper hormonal response from exercise. The majority of women spend WAY too much time with monotonous endless cardio routines, and tiny little 3-lb barbie weights. This kind of training will get you NOWHERE!
In the program, I teach you ladies how to do this right without having to worry about "bulking up" as it seems that almost all women are afraid of this.
Six Pack Abs; The Ultimate Hard Body Exercise Total Body Composition Change - The Truth About Abs
The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise
As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat.
Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution.
Text module Give your module a title. Titles can only be one line, so keep it short. Give your module a subtitle. Enter your text below. The limit is 10,000 characters. The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise
As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat.
Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution. characters used SaveCancel
The Truth About Six Pack Abs Abs
Everybody Wants Them Here is How You Get and Keep Them
So what gets rid of extra abdominal fat? Is there actually a REAL solution beyond all of the gimmicks and hype that you see in ads and on commercials for "miracle" fat loss products?
The first thing you must understand is that there is absolutely NO quick fix solution. There are no pills or supplements of any sort that will help you lose your abdominal fat faster. Also, none of the gimmicky ab rockers, rollers, or ab belts will help get rid of abdominal fat either. You can't spot reduce yourstomach fat
by using any of these worthless contraptions. It simply doesn't work that way.
The ONLY solution to consistently lose your abdominal fat and keep it off for good is to combine a sound nutritious diet full of unprocessed natural foods with a properly designed strategic exercise program that stimulates the necessary hormonal and metabolic response within your body. Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
The Absolute Truth On How to Get Six Pack Abs and Lose Unwanted BodyFat
But what exactly is "cardio"? Most people would consider cardio to be pumping away mindlessly on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, while watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym. This is what I call "traditional cardio". Hmmm, no wonder the majority of people get bored with their workouts and give up after a couple months without seeing results.
*Do You Want To See Your Abs?*
Diet Tips For Abs - Fat Loss For Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary
Six Pack Abs most people want them and many ads and websites make incredible claims on how to get them. Total body workouts are the fastest path(along with a healthy eating plan) to lose that unhealthy excess body fat once and for all.
This lens is all about The Truth About Six Pack Abs program developed by Mike Geary. The program that dares to be different and gets great results in total body conditioning and weight loss which in turn is what gets you those six pack Abs.
Never fear gang help is here. If you want to learn the truth about how to get 6 pack abs read on.
Mike teaches total body workouts. If you know anything about training you know that you can't spot reduce your waistline or any other body part. Only by using total body workouts will you lose that unwanted body fat and have six pack abs to show, that butt will be firmer and you will be toned, fit and healthy.
No fancy diets but learn to eat clean for faster and permanent weight loss.
As you read on, I'll tell you more about how you can have Six Pack Abs and how by doing total body workouts you will start to see almost immediate results.
Get 6 Pack Abs And Lose Body Fat With Total Body Workouts
The Ultimate Secret of How to Achieve the Body You Want By Mike Geary
I ask you to have an open mind and accept some ideas I'm going to throw at you today. If you can take full grasp of these ideas, take my word that this will be the most powerful secret you've ever discovered for attaining your weight loss goals, lose that unwanted body fat, finally see those six pack abs and get the exact body that you desire.
I'm basically going to take the concepts from the hit movie "The Secret" and show you how to apply it towards your fitness, weight loss and exercise goals.
Keep in mind that this "ultimate secret" has nothing to do with our normal discussions of reps and sets. It has nothing to do with calories or fat or protein. It has nothing to do with cardio training or abs exercises. But once you discover the "Secret", you will be on your way to the body of your dreams, or any other goals that you have in your life, for that matter
Six Pack Abs Tips And Tricks - How To See Your Abs And Lose Body Fat
Here's the deal:
The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL techniques that are going to get you lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these "quick-fix" scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the internet these days.
Several of the mistakes that Mike see's every day where people are going wrong in their fat loss attempts are:
1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective abs exercises like crunches, situps, and other "abs pumping" exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat and trying to get that six pack abs look.
Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective non traditional abs exercises, exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more. These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for weight loss, getting rid of that unwanted body fat, having six pack abs and getting a lean, chiseled body.
Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective exercises for stomach fat loss are NOT "abs-specific" exercises but total body workouts. Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and weight loss results possible, changing the shape of not only your abs but your entire body.
2. Most people are wasting way too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio and ab exercises.
Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he's taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise. After all of this research, he has come to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercises. In fact, most people may actually be inadvertantly decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!
The strategies that Mike reveals in his program go beyond "interval cardio" too.
3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets.
Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life! Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It's actually easier and more enjoyable than you believe!
It's Not Too late $4.95 Gets You Full Access To The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Click here to download your $4.95 Full-Access Belly Fat Banishing Trial Offer
Now's your chance to change! stop making the same food mistakes and exercise mistakes for years to come... You'll only continue to struggle with stubborn belly fat for life. get the lean sexy body you've always wanted, with nothing to risk but a simple $4.95 entry fee.
The 3 Best Abdominal Exercises that Are Not Traditional Ab Exercises
by Mike Geary
Instead of the typical ab exercise routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs.
I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite ab workouts that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri set formula ( similar to a superset but alternating between 3 exercises).
1A. Renegade Dumbell Rows
1B. Front Squats using a Barbell
1C. Mountain Climbers
A good set and rep sheme would be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise or more sets for less reps such as 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise. Mountain Climbers ca be done for a time interval ( such as 30 seconds) instead of reps.
Renegade dumbell rows are done starting in the pushup position with your hands on 2 dumbells. You then row one dumbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbell back to the ground while stabilizing with the other arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area.
Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body at shoulder level. If you are not used to them front squats take alittle practice to get your form down. Although mostly a leg exercise your abs are the stabilizing muscles and get an incredible workout.
Mountain Climbers are done by starting in the pushup position then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in and out under the chest and then back out to the starting position. Mountain climbers are a total body workout all on their own.
After each exercise rest for about 30 seconds before starting next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after each tri-set.
No direct ab exercises but one of the best ab workouts you will ever have. Try it and you'll see what I mean!
If you are tired of failing to get that six pack abs look consider losing the traditional ab exercises and bogus ab gadgets and machines and find out the real fat loss for abs truth.
How To Get That Six Pack Abs Look
*Total Body Workouts For Six Pack Abs And A Killer Weight Loss Workout*
This workout comes courtesy of Mike Geary of The Truth About Six Pack Abs (sadist) I say that kiddingly Mike is one smart dude and really knows his stuff.
Mike is the guy I learned about total body workouts from. He teaches total body training for a total body weight loss transformation. Check this workout out.
This Was One Killer Workout! The story is being told by Mike.
The other day I was in the mood to mix things up a little with my workouts and it was a nice sunny day, so I decided to skip the gym and take my workout outside for the day.
So I packed up my two 53-lb kettlebells and headed to a local park that also has a nice hill that a lot of local people go to for running hill sprints.
I've gotta tell you, the workout I came up with was pretty simple, but thoroughly kicked my a**! If you're interested in a high intensity workout that'll strip off body fat fast, keep in mind the format of this workout and use the same or similar exercise s based on what you have available.
Note: I used kettlebells, but you can also use dumbbells if you don't have kb's.
Here's what I did:
The workout was done in circuit fashion where I moved to the next exercise with little to no rest.
1a. kettlebell double clean & presses (both arms simultaneously)
1b. kettlebell 2-arm bent over rows
1c. kettlebell 2-arm swings
1d. hill sprint up/down twice
8 reps of each exercise; repeated circuit 10X
I did 8 reps of each exercise and moved almost immediately to the next exercise in each circuit. After each circuit, I rested about 2 minutes until I caught my breath and felt ready for the next round.
I kept repeating this circuit until I did 10 sets total of each exercise. All said and done, I think the workout took me about 45 minutes... and holy crap was I drenched in sweat and whooped!
Warning: unless you're in top shape, do NOT attempt 10 sets of this type of workout... it is VERY tough and that's a high volume of work unless you're already accustomed to higher intensity workouts. Just attempting 3 or 4 sets the first time you try this will usually whip most trainees.
What The Truth About Six Pack Abs Does Not Include
1. The main focus of this program is NOT on abdominal exercises... And, better yet, this program consistently get's BETTER results by NOT focusing on ab exercises!
2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous marathon cardio routines.
3. This program does NOT revolve around having to use supplements or "fat-loss" pills.
4. The truth about six pack abs program does not revolve around using any fancy "abdominizer machines" or "ab gadgets".
5. This program does not include some sort of fad diet or gimmicky diet trend.
Read This Testimonial From One Of Mike's Clients
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
"Hi Mike. I have just recently started your program and i LOVE it so much. I just wanted to tell you how fantastic I think your approach and lay out to losing stomach fat is. I'm already feeling the effects of your workouts. My body feels firmer and fitter and I look forward to the sweat.
Truth be told I was BORED TO TEARS with our usual routine at the gym. Not to mention it wasn't really getting my stomach flat!! I love your approach cause it explains everything, and I am a person that needs to know the reasons for why I am doing what I am doing! I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do.
Following your program I am certainly getting the heart pumping and the sweat is flowing like I've never felt before. It feels great. Thanks, and I will keep you posted!"
-Michelle Smith, Ontario, Canada
Another Testimonial on Using The Truth About Six Pack Ab's
Hi Mike
I was searching for a program to genuinely help me lose unwanted body fat and get six pack abs. I came across your website and the money back guarantee you offered suggested to me that you believed in what you were offering & not just interested in selling your e-book. Anyway, I made the purchase on the basis that I'd give it a try and if it wasn't any good I'd ask for my money back.
Before I started with the program I weighed 80kg and my waist size was 42 inches. After 11 weeks I still weigh about 80kg but my waist size is now 35 inches. A loss of 7 inches in 11 weeks! Since my weight stayed about the same, that means I gained muscle while losing 7 inches of unwanted body fat fat from my waist!
My strength and energy are also improving each week and I'm lifting heavier weights as I progress. Family and friends that haven't seen me in weeks can't believe how much leaner and slimmer I look now.
I'm really glad that I bought your e-book and stuck to the programs. I still have a little more body fat to lose, but I can already tell that visible six pack abs are just a few more weeks away!
Thank you for all the advice and words of motivation. The Truth About Six Pack Abs Delivers just what was promised. This entire experience is far more than what I was expecting for my money!
Regards, Imtiaz Girach, UK
Our Weight Loss and Exercise Q & A with Mike Geary The Truth About Abs
CB: Okay Mike, so where does the average man or woman go wrong when it comes to doing ab exercises?
MG: Most people are probably going to be surprised with this answer. In their quest for 'six pack abs', the biggest mistake I see people making is wasting WAY too much of their time training their abs directly... pumping away with all kinds of different ab exercises.
I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. The person is trying so hard to get those abs to show, that they're spending almost all of their time in the gym with hundreds of reps of various crunches, leg raises, twisting exercises, etc. Meanwhile, all of that wasted time directly training the abs could have been better spent on a properly designed full body workout program that would elicit a much better metabolic response and increase the fat-burning hormone levels in their body as well.
After all, losing the stomach fat that is covering the abs is the MOST important aspect for most people to finally be able to make their abs visible. Unfortunately, pumping away with hundreds of crunches and leg raises does NOT cause much of a metabolic or fat burning hormonal response.
This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs book... total body workouts programs and proper nutrition to strip off that stubborn belly fat and reveal the six pack abs that are hiding underneath!
Of course it wouldn't be an abs book if I didn't focus on ab workouts too, but I make sure firstly that the most important concepts for losing unwanted bodyfat are understood.
The Shocking Truth about Dietary & Saturated Fats
Dietary & Saturated Fats
To start, eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to your overall health. Fats are one of the main components in all of the cell membranes throughout your entire body.
Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training
Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this:
"What exercise can I do to isolate my _______ (insert your muscle of choice - abs, quads, biceps, triceps, etc)?"
It doesn't matter which muscle someone is asking about, they always seem to be asking how to 'isolate' it. My first response to this question is always - "Why in the world would you want to isolate it?"
The first thing I try to teach my clients is that the body does not work well in muscle isolation. Rather, it works better in movements along a kinetic chain; that is, large portions of the body assist other portions of the body in completing a complex movement. In fact, there really is no such thing as true muscle isolation. There is almost always a nearby muscle group that will assist in some way with whatever movement you are doing. However, this article compares attempting to 'isolate' body parts via single-joint exercises to the much more effective strategy of performing multi-joint complex movements.
When you attempt to 'isolate' muscles by performing single-joint exercises, you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be more prone to injury. Essentially, you are creating a body that is a compilation of body parts, instead of a powerful, functional unit that works together.
Now if you really want to end up hobbling around in a body bandaged up with joint problems, tendonitis, and excess body fat, then by all means, continue trying to 'isolate' body parts. On the other hand, if you would rather have a lean, muscular, injury-free, functional body that works as a complete powerful unit to perform complex movements (in athletics or even everyday tasks), then you need to shift your focus away from muscle isolation.
Believe me, focusing on how well your body functions will give you the side effect of a body that looks even better than it would have if you focused on muscle isolation. For example, take a look at the physiques of any NFL running backs, wide receivers, or even world class sprinters. Trust me when I say that these guys pretty much NEVER train for muscle isolation (their strength coaches wouldn't be crazy enough to let them), yet they are absolutely ripped to shreds! Just look at guys like Maurice Green or Terrell Owens and tell me who wouldn't want a physique like those guys.
Another benefit to moving away from the 'muscle isolation' mindset to a more 'complex movement' mindset using a total body workout is that you will find it much easier to lose body fat. The reason is that by focusing more on multi-joint complex movements as opposed to single-joint muscle isolation, you not only burn a lot more calories during each workout, but you also increase your metabolic rate, and stimulate production of more fat burning and muscle building hormones like growth hormone and testosterone.
Let's look at an example. The machine leg extension is a single joint exercise that works mainly the quadriceps, can potentially cause knee joint instability in the long run, and doesn't even burn that many calories. On the other hand, exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and deadlifts are all multi-joint complex movements that work hundreds of muscles in the body (including the quadriceps) as a functional unit, create more stable and strong joints in the long run (when done properly), and also burn massive quantities of calories compared to the single-joint exercises.
If you're interested in discovering more ways to create a body that looks as good as it functions, pick up a copy of my innovative book The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Text module Give your module a title. Titles can only be one line, so keep it short. Give your module a subtitle. Enter your text below. The limit is 10,000 characters. Body Part Isolation vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Six Pack Abs For 2009 Start Now It's Never Too Late
Is this program more for muscle building or losing body fat?
The answer is that the concepts taught within the program can be applied to either fat loss or muscle building with some slight modifications and tweaks. However, I developed most of the details within this program to address the MAIN PROBLEM that 99% of people are facing as to why they cannot see their abdominals, and that is... losing the stubborn stomach fat that is covering up the abs.
What types of training ideas will I learn in this program? Is it only about ab exercises or total body workouts as well?
As I mention in my letter on the home page, I do provide full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective abdominal exercises in existance (as well as which ones to avoid), but one of the main points I try to drive home within the program is that the abs-specific exercises are actually the LEAST important part of the program to actually get rid of the belly fat that is covering up your abs.
The majority of the program focuses on total body workouts as well as strategic exercise combinations and sequencing that increases the metabolic rate and stimulates a fat-burning hormonal response in your body. I also detail a full-blown section on nutritional strategies and a fully comprehensive dietary plan that will actually have you enjoying food again and getting and staying lean for life.
Now these are the 2 most important aspects of the program that make it one of the most successful abdominal fat loss programs on the internet today with customers in over 100 countries around the world.
Is this program designed for men or women?
Who says that men and women need to train or eat differently to get lean? The truth is that they DON'T. The bottom line is that the best exercises for increasing the metabolism and stimulating the fat-burning hormones are the best exercises regardless of gender. The only thing that is going to change is that in general, the females will require fewer calories, and usually use lighter weights than the men, but the fact remains that the best training and nutrition strategies apply equally to both genders.
To be honest (and I explain this in more detail within the program), one of the main reasons that so many women struggle to make progress is that they aren't training the right way to increase their metabolic rate and trigger the proper hormonal response from exercise. The majority of women spend WAY too much time with monotonous endless cardio routines, and tiny little 3-lb barbie weights. This kind of training will get you NOWHERE!
In the program, I teach you ladies how to do this right without having to worry about "bulking up" as it seems that almost all women are afraid of this.
Six Pack Abs; The Ultimate Hard Body Exercise Total Body Composition Change - The Truth About Abs
The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise
As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat.
Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution.
Text module Give your module a title. Titles can only be one line, so keep it short. Give your module a subtitle. Enter your text below. The limit is 10,000 characters. The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise
As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat.
Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution. characters used SaveCancel
The Truth About Six Pack Abs Abs
Everybody Wants Them Here is How You Get and Keep Them
So what gets rid of extra abdominal fat? Is there actually a REAL solution beyond all of the gimmicks and hype that you see in ads and on commercials for "miracle" fat loss products?
The first thing you must understand is that there is absolutely NO quick fix solution. There are no pills or supplements of any sort that will help you lose your abdominal fat faster. Also, none of the gimmicky ab rockers, rollers, or ab belts will help get rid of abdominal fat either. You can't spot reduce yourstomach fat
by using any of these worthless contraptions. It simply doesn't work that way.
The ONLY solution to consistently lose your abdominal fat and keep it off for good is to combine a sound nutritious diet full of unprocessed natural foods with a properly designed strategic exercise program that stimulates the necessary hormonal and metabolic response within your body. Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
The Absolute Truth On How to Get Six Pack Abs and Lose Unwanted BodyFat
But what exactly is "cardio"? Most people would consider cardio to be pumping away mindlessly on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, while watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym. This is what I call "traditional cardio". Hmmm, no wonder the majority of people get bored with their workouts and give up after a couple months without seeing results.
*Do You Want To See Your Abs?*
Diet Tips For Abs - Fat Loss For Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
In this article, I've posted the "diet tips for six pack abs" portion of our interview we recently did. Enjoy! Here it is...
CB: And finally Mike, 1 or 2 of your top secret nutrition tips for carving out those six pack abs. Open your vault of info!
MG: Well Craig, I think you'd agree that there has never been a more confusing time regarding proper nutrition for consumers. Every so called "expert" out there seems to disagree and contradict each other on what's the best way to eat for fat loss and overall good health.
One of the most important messages I try to teach my readers in this world of heavy confusion is that your diet doesn't need to conform to any of the fad diets... you don't need to go "low carb" or "low fat", or high or low anything for that matter to be successful in losing enough body fat to get lean enough to be able to see your abs. I like to try to simplify things for my readers. I think that balance is the key to success along with eating a diet that is made up of nutrient dense foods in their natural state (as unprocessed as possible).
In general, it is the heavy processing of foods that makes it wreak havoc inside our bodies. Most foods in their natural unprocessed state are inherently good for us. Of course there are always exceptions... a salad of poison ivy leaves is "natural and unprocessed" but certainly would not be good for us!
I'll leave your readers with a couple of the most important aspects of nutrition and diet that help to get you lean for life (and have any chance of getting those abs to show)...
1. Get enough quality protein in the daily diet - not only does it have a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat (so you burn more calories digesting it), but it also creates satiety so your hunger is satisfied longer. Plus it's a building block for maintaining and building lean muscle... And remember that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism.
2. Think fiber! When it comes to carbs, make sure that almost all of your carbohydrate intake is from higher fiber sources like vegetables, fruits, and high fiber unrefined grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains as that is one of the main reasons so many people struggle with body fat. I personally don't eat many grains as I prefer to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits, but I am a bit of a fan of sprouted grains. I generally recommend looking for carbohydrate sources that have at least 2-3 grams of fiber per each 10 grams of total carbs. Remember that fiber helps fill you up and also slows down the glycemic response of the foods you eat, all beneficial for getting lean.
3. Don't be afraid to eat fat! Many people try to go way too low on their fat intake in their diet and this can negatively affect hormone levels in your body as well as causing more cravings. Try to eat enough healthy fats daily. Good sources are all nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. On that note, saturated fats from tropical oils are VERY misunderstood, even by many nutritionists and other health professionals. Yes they are composed highly of saturated fats, but are actually beneficial (but that's way beyond the scope of this article).
4. Avoid the two worst things in our food supply at ALL COSTS:
*artificial trans fats from margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods
*high fructose corn syrup, which is in almost all sweetened products on the market
Again, if you avoid processed foods, it becomes easy to avoid these two worst offenders in our food supply.
I always contend that once you get a handle on these 4 main points of your diet detailed above, the rest starts to take care of itself as you gain control over your appetite, blood sugar levels, hormone levels, etc. It all falls into place, and you eventually gain total control over how lean you want to get. Gain control of this part of your life, and those abs may be showing in no time!
If you are sick of all the up and down dieting and the endless and all too time consuming cardio sessions that never give you the results the so called experts claim. then do yourself a favor.
Try a proven solution to the get that six pack abs look The Truth About Six Pack Abs
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